Queensland Permits August 2012 Permit Map 2012

URL: https://geoscience.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/mr009677

This permit map series contains the Geothermal and Petroleum permit maps for the month of August 2012. These maps show the state of permits that are under grant or application relevant to each commodity. Permit information for these maps was extracted on 1st August 2012. Queensland Geothermal Exploration Permits Queensland Petroleum Exploration and Production Titles These map products are available to all government agencies, industry and the public for reference.

Data and Resources

This dataset was harvested

Additional Info

Field Value
Data last updated 12 September 2020
Source https://geoscience.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/mr009677
Version 1.0
Security Classification PUBLIC
Used in data driven application NO
Update Frequency Non-regular