
data.qld Publisher 625 commented on 02 Sep 2020, 9:37PM

Adding data to this dataset

Hi all,

I would like to add data for Cross River Rail Delivery Authority for the reporting period but not sure on how to do this.

Can I please get some help?

Khushbu Pillai

data.qld Publisher 679 commented on 03 Sep 2020, 10:12PM

Hi Khushbu

Please contact the service help desk on or 07-321 53699.

You may also refer to guidance material about contract disclosures available at


Sam Hames commented on 10 Jun 2021, 11:19AM

Historical data

Is the historical data available anywhere else? The URL mentioned in the dataset no longer exists and I can't find a record of data before this dataset.

publisher-2407 commented on 28 Jun 2021, 10:52AM

Thank you for your request for information. We may be able to assist you further if you could please provide further details regarding the year span of the information you require.

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