Translink monthly performance data
Monthly public transport performance data for Translink. Metrics include: customer experience (overall and by transport mode), complaint volumes, go card fixed fare volumes. In... -
Complaints -Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Complaints are where a member of the community or a stakeholder or a departmental employee expresses dissatisfaction, anxiety, apprehension, unease or worry with a departmental... -
FY202324 Complaints
FY2023/24 Complaints -
Complaint Statistics — Department of Transport and Main Roads
The volume of customer complaints received by the Department of Transport and Main Roads including the timeliness of the response and the complaint outcome (further action taken... -
2022-23 Case statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of cases received and closed monthly in 2022-23 including complaint issue. -
2021-22 Case statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of cases received and closed monthly in 2021-22 including complaint issue. -
Financial year to date case statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of cases received financial year to date by case type, issue type and postcode Automatically updates each month -
Queensland Museum customer complaints—financial year
Number of customer complaints made to Queensland Museum by financial year since 2018-19. -
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Complaints
The number of complaints received for the 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 financial year. -
2019 -20 Complaint Statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of complaint cases received and closed monthly in 2019-20 including complaint issue. -
2018 -19 Complaint Statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of complaint cases received and closed monthly in 2018-19 including complaint issue. -
2017-18 Complaint Statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of complaint cases received and closed monthly in 2017-18 including complaint issue. -
2016-17 Complaint Statistics - Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Total number of complaint cases received and closed monthly in 2016-17 including complaint issue.