Queensland Government Investment Portal - Expenditure Data (consolidated view)
What is expenditure data? The Queensland Government works closely with all Queenslanders to build safe, caring and connected communities, create jobs, protect our environment... -
Overseas travel—Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Total overseas expenditure for the financial year for The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. This is additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual... -
Overseas travel expenditure - The Public Trustee
Total overseas expenditure for the financial year for The Public Trustee. Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report. Read the annual report here:... -
Queensland Government Research and Development Expenditure Data
Investment by the Queensland Government in research and development (R&D), noting confidential data not included. -
Department of Environment and Science Annual Report Data 2021-22
Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report: consultancies -
Overseas travel—Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Total overseas expenditure for the financial year for The Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. This is additional information reported in lieu of... -
Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges - Consultancies
Consultancy expenditure by financial year for the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges - Consultancies