
Business Established Names and ANZIC Industry Classification

What is the problem you are trying to solve with this data? Not a problem but an enhancement. Working with different supplier lists and would like to understand the supplier industry type. This information will be used on a dashboard to enable filtering supplier by industry type.

How would you use the data to solve this problem? To be able to categorise business by the industry type for reporting.

What are the benefits or value of solving this problem? Reduces the inefficiencies of manually reviewing the company and assigning the industry classification. Currently, there are a few sources (, that can be used to feed into our classification, however, it will be useful to have a complete data set from QLD Govnt .

Additional Info

Creator L Phan
Organisation Employment, Small Business and Training
Created 5 years ago
Closed 2 years ago
Close circumstance Requested data not available/cannot be compiled