
data.qld Publisher 260 commented on 25 Jun 2021, 9:44AM

Response regarding OSR Transfer Duty / Business Asset Transactions

Thank you for your request, we apologise for the delayed response.

Unfortunately we're unable to provide information relating to your request regarding Transfer Duty paid on business asset transactions, due to personal confidential information considerations.

Under the Taxation Administration Act 2001, personal confidential information is defined as confidential information that identifies, or is likely to identify, the person, or discloses matters about the person's affairs. This includes corporations as well as individuals, as defined by the Acts Interpretation Act 1954.

Jason Barrett commented on 26 Jun 2021, 7:04AM

Queensland Government collected $3.041 billion in Transfer Duty in FY20 according to the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements. Data supporting the collection of this money is collected through Form OSR D2.2 "Dutiable Transaction Statement". Data points of interest on this Form are "3. Dutiable Property = Other Property / Queensland Business Asset" "Estimated business goodwill" "Estimated intellectual property" "11. Dutiable Value" and Transferor/Transferee suburb details aggregated sufficiently to prevent identification of any person or person/s affairs.

On this basis please re-consider my request.

Jason Barrett commented on 26 Jun 2021, 7:04AM

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