
Pacific Motorway Hourly Traffic Data

I would like to request data containing the number of vehicles per hour and the average vehicle speed for each hour of the day for the period of 11 November, 2018 to 30 Novemeber, 2018 at five locations along the Pacific Motorway. The locations are:

(-28.116361°, 153.448180°)

(-27.794858°, 153.260224°)

(-27.769266°, 153.251294°)

(-27.700177°, 153.196825°)

(-27.679883°, 153.187398°)

The data will be used for an undergraduate thesis assessing the prediction of road traffic noise, based on traffic flow and congestion.

Additional Info

Creator Amelia Grace
Organisation Transport and Main Roads
Created 5 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
Close circumstance None