GovHack 2022

GovHack is an international competition for people of all abilities who seek to make life better through open data.

This year the competition will take place from Friday 19 August 2022 to Sunday 21 August 2022.

Across one weekend, participants come together to form teams, agree on projects, and take part in what has become the largest open data hackathon in the southern hemisphere.

Across one weekend, thousands come together to form teams, agree on projects, and participate in what has become the largest open data hackathon in the southern hemisphere.

Formed to raise the profile of open government data, GovHack has since evolved to encompass the following objectives:

  • To provide an opportunity through open data for government, citizens and industry to collaborate, gain knowledge and develop new skills;
  • To showcase open data as a mechanism for identifying and solving deep-rooted social, economic and environmental challenges;
  • To impress upon Government the economic and societal value of quality, machine- readable, standardised open data;
  • To highlight the increasing value of open data as a tool to promote transparency, strengthen democracy, and develop trust.

GovHack is also a great way to hone your digital and data skills and, with digital professionals in demand across Queensland, what you learn at GovHack might even lead you into a digital career.

You can read more about GovHack here -

This year, the Queensland Government has developed two challenge questions for participants to solve:

Challenge 1: Environment

What can we do to ensure the sustainability of Queensland’s natural environment?

  • Queensland has 173 million hectares of land, 6,900km of mainland coastline and 1,165 offshore islands and cays which are shared by thousands of plant and animal species.
  • Changes in water and air quality, waste generation, energy production and general pollution may impact our state's natural beauty and diversity.
  • What can we do to ensure the environment is protected?
  • How can we sustain population growth while reducing our pollution footprint?
  • Are there technologies that could help?

Download a copy of the challenge question here (pdf)

Challenge 2: Digital Skills

How can we help Queenslanders keep up with the increasing demand for digital skills in the workforce?

  • Digital technology has changed almost every aspect of daily life in households, businesses, industries and governments, bringing opportunities and challenges for each. Here in Queensland, we want to make sure we embrace the opportunities of this digital transformation and position Queensland with a strong and diverse digital economy.
  • It is estimated that Queensland will need an additional 10,000 digital professionals by 2024.
  • How can we help develop Queensland’s digital workforce?
  • What can we do to skill, reskill and upskill employees in all areas of Queensland?
  • Are there technologies that could help?

Download a copy of the challenge question here (pdf)

What we look for in a winning project?

Have fun, good luck hacking and we look forward to seeing you at the Queensland state awards.

For more information on the event and how to get involved, check out the GovHack website -