Gifts and benefits register - Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait...
The register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, from 1 July 2016. DATSIP MoGed into... -
Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships,...
The register shows gifts and benefits values at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees. Register may include multiple gifts or... -
Gift and benefits register- Department of Communities, Disability Services...
DCDSS Gifts and Benefits register 01.01.2018 onwards Due to Machinery of Government changes in Nov 2020, Data is now being captured under Department of Communities, Housing and... -
Consultancy spending - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Consolidated consultancy spending undertaken by the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships by category. -
DSDSATSIP - Gifts and benefits register
The register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, from 13th November 2020 when the department... -
Consultancies—Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Total consultancy expenditure for the financial year by The Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. This is additional information than reported in the... -
Late payments—Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Report on late payments made by the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. The new On-Time Payment Policy reporting framework commenced on 1 July 2020. This... -
Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors - On-Time Payments
Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors performance reporting on the Queensland Government On-Time Payment policy from 1st July 2020. This policy replaces the... -
Index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people 1915
This dataset contains an index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people compiled around 1915. -
Overseas travel—Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Total overseas expenditure for the financial year for The Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. This is additional information reported in lieu of... -
Index of Colonial Secretary's correspondence relating to Aboriginal and...
The correspondence of the Queensland Colonial Secretary’s Office relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from 1859 to 1903. -
People and corporate governance
This dataset relates to information on workforce diversity as published in the Annual Report. -
DSDSATSIP - On Time Payment Report
Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships performance reporting on the Queensland Government On-Time Payment policy from... -
Overseas travel - DATSIP
Overseas travel undertaken by officers of the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships. -
On-Time Payments—DATSIP
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships performance reporting on the Queensland Government On-Time Payment policy until the MoG when the department... -
Key performance measurements
This dataset relates to department's key performance measurements as published in the Annual Report. -
Contract Disclosure Report (DSDSATSIP)
Disclosure of contracts greater than $10,000 (incl. GST) as per DHPW Disclosure Guidelines. This Department was impacted by the machinery of government announcement, outlined in... -
Late payments—DATSIP
The new On-Time Payment Policy reporting framework commenced on 1 July 2020. This Late-Payment Policy dataset is no longer being updated. Report on late payments made by the... -
DCDSS Contract Disclosure Report 2019-20
Disclosure of contracts greater than $10,000 (incl. GST) as per DHPW Disclosure Guidelines for the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. Due to Machinery... -
All Abilities Playgrounds
Description and location of all abilities playgrounds. Due to Machinery of Government changes in Nov 2020, Data is now being captured under Department of Seniors, Disability...