WildNet wildlife records - published - Queensland
This is a subset of the wildlife records from the Department of Environment and Science's WildNet database. It contains the WildNet wildlife records approved for release (by... -
Valuation Property Boundaries - Queensland
The layer is a property spatial representation of the valuation roll contained in the Queensland Valuation and Sales System (QVAS). A property polygon is formedby dissolving lot... -
Rural properties - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the extent of named rural properties (horticultural or agricultural properties) in the State of Queensland. -
Built up areas - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the extent of an urban or rural settlement where cadastral parcels are less than 2.5 hectares and which generally have residential (more than... -
Cadastral data - Queensland series
The Digital Cadastre is the spatial representation of every current parcel of land in Queensland, and its legal Lot on Plan description and relevant attributes. It provides the... -
Probable maximum flood extent - referable dams - Queensland series
The datasets in this series describe the Probable Maximum Flood extents below the referable dams of Queensland for three different scenarios. -
Transport features - Queensland series
This is a series of datasets covering the State of Queensland displaying transport features. Features are attributed with source information and names where available. Datasets... -
State border - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the land extent of Queensland and comprises the state border (the cadastral boundary between states) of Queensland. -
Queensland LiDAR Data - LiDAR tile footprints
This dataset displays the individual tile footprints and capture specifications for the currently available LiDAR captured data over for the State of Queensland. In areas where... -
Queensland Physical Map Ed1 2M (2023)
Detailed physical map of Queensland. This is the first edition and was produced in 2023 by the Department of Resources and replaces the deprecated S2 map. Scale: 1:2,000,000... -
Queensland Flood Mapping Program 2015 series
The Queensland Flood Mapping Program is part of the State Government's response to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. It was completed by the Department of Resourcesin... -
SILO climate database - maximum and minimum temperature
The maximum and minimum temperatures are the highest and lowest temperatures (respectively) which occurred throughout the 24 hours period up to 9am. The observed minimum daily... -
Locality boundaries - Queensland
The locality boundaries dataset is the spatial representation of bounded localities (includes suburbs) of Queensland. These are the official locality names and boundaries used... -
Local government area boundaries - Queensland
The spatial representation of local government areas in Queensland. -
Coordinated projects - The Coordinator-General
The dataset is to show locations of current proposed infrastructure projects for the Coordinator-General’s assessment and approval under the State Development and Public Works... -
Generalised distribution and densities of Queensland wildlife
Queensland species distributions and densities generalised to a 10 km grid resolution based on the Queensland Government's WildNet database. -
Heritage register boundaries - Queensland
The Queensland Heritage Register is a list of places of non-indigenous heritage significance in Queensland. This dataset represents the boundaries of places entered in the... -
Survey plan count
The number of plans and types of survey plans lodged. -
Groundwater Database - Queensland
Database storing registered water bore data from private water bores and Queensland Government groundwater investigation and monitoring bores. Data includes bore location, water... -
State Library of Queensland - Real estate maps
A unique collection of original maps and plans created by real estate firms from 1850s to mid 1900s from the State Library of Queensland. The first version of this dataset...