Evaporation rate

datastore Active

URL: https://www.stateoftheenvironment.des.qld.gov.au/2020/datasets/indicator-4-1-0-3.csv

For each location, annual pan evaporation totals are plotted for the extent of the High-Quality Dataset records. Rolling 10-year averages are plotted only if there are 10 consecutive years of annual data.

At some locations there were insufficient data to present information for recent years. While observational data may be available at those stations, High Quality records were not available at the time of publication.

This resource view is not available at the moment. Click here for more information.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Name text
Measure text
1970 numeric
1971 numeric
1972 numeric
1973 numeric
1974 numeric
1975 numeric
1976 numeric
1977 numeric
1978 numeric
1979 numeric
1980 numeric
1981 numeric
1982 numeric
1983 numeric
1984 numeric
1985 numeric
1986 numeric
1987 numeric
1988 numeric
1989 numeric
1990 numeric
1991 numeric
1992 numeric
1993 numeric
1994 numeric
1995 numeric
1996 numeric
1997 numeric
1998 numeric
1999 numeric
2000 numeric
2001 numeric
2002 numeric
2003 numeric
2004 numeric
2005 numeric
2006 numeric
2007 numeric
2008 numeric
2009 numeric
2010 numeric
2011 numeric
2012 numeric
2013 numeric
2014 numeric
2015 numeric
2016 numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 25 September 2023
Metadata last updated 25 September 2023
Created 3 September 2021
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Align default schemaFalse
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Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.