SILO climate database - daily and monthly rainfall


Daily rainfall is the total rainfall accumulated over the 24 hour period up until 9am on the day of observation. Monthly rainfall is the total rainfall accumulated over all days in the given month.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 6 May 2021
Metadata last updated 6 May 2021
Created 6 May 2021
Format Spatial Data Format
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Archiver{'resource_timestamp': '2021-05-05T21:48:35.743154', 'status_id': 0, 'is_broken': False, 'reason': '', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'cache_filepath': 'archive/94/94278383-5ced-4bed-8ca5-e5cde5d7546c/resource', 'cache_url': '', 'size': 32127, 'mimetype': 'text/html', 'hash': '4c4bbcbd16a1d1e032cc678ffcc9286c45f035f1', 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': None, 'last_success': '2023-02-20T23:38:04.466342', 'failure_count': 0, 'created': '2021-05-06T07:51:16.014899', 'updated': '2023-02-20T23:38:04.466342', 'status': 'Archived successfully', 'is_broken_printable': 'Downloaded OK'}
Datastore activeFalse
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsFalse
Package idf13c2cff-4fb7-43de-9351-d310c01c6c86
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Resource typefile
Size8 MiB
Size 8 MiB
Aligned with default data schema
Data usability rating : 0 out of 5
Contains no active link to open data.