2017-18 program funding

URL: https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/1bc9d321-d0fe-4795-8a90-4f2148fb9948/resource/f7e047b2-6140-44d6-a6af-d2bb7640e799/download/current-program-funding-desbt-17-18.csv

Program funding data for the 2017/18 financial year. All enquiries should be directed to the funding agency.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Funding agency text
Program title text
Sub-program title text
Purpose text
Category1 text
Category2 text
Category3 text
Applicant type1 text
Applicant type2 text
Applicant type3 text
Client group1 text
Client group2 text
Client group3 text
Client group4 text
Client group5 text
Client group6 text
Business specific activity1 text
Business specific activity2 text
Business specific activity3 text
Business specific activity4 text
Business specific activity5 text
Assistance type1 text
Assistance type2 text
Assistance type3 text
Status text
Opening date (date format) timestamp
Closing date (date format) timestamp
Opening date (text) text
Closing date (text) text
Financial year budget numeric
Additional budget information text
Website text
Maximum (indicative) grant amount (dollar amount) numeric
Maximum (indicative) grant amount (text) text
Eligibility text
How will I know if I'm successful? text
Service ID numeric
Category text
Client Group text
Application Type text
Funding text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 27 November 2024
Metadata last updated 27 November 2024
Created 5 September 2018
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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