Unitywater - Collaborative Intelligence for Clean Waters
These data sets relate to Unitywater's Govhack 2024 Challenge. -
Ministerial gifts register
Register of reportable gifts by Minister. -
Annual mineral and metal statistics
Yearly mineral and metal tables published annually. Please note: The Department of Resources is continuing to refine reporting formats for easier machine readability. The latest... -
Coastal Data System - Waves (Tweed Heads)
Measured and derived wave parameters from data collected by a wave monitoring buoy anchored at Tweed Heads. This site is jointly operated by the Department of Environment and... -
QGAir Ministerial Travel
Quarterly reporting on ministerial and governor travel using Queensland Government Air aircraft in accordance with the Guidelines for the Use of Government Aircraft. -
Hydrology Archive Data
The Queensland Government Water Monitoring Hydrology Archive Data. This data resource includes archived time series surface water, groundwater, rainfall and water quality data,... -
Bushfire Hazard Area (Bushfire Prone Area) Mapping Methodology for Queensland
New State-wide mapping methodology developed to identify Bushfire Prone Area in support of bushfire hazard provisions of Queensland's State Planning Policy, which came into... -
Qld Community Preparedness Survey – November 2013
In November 2013, the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO) conducted the second Queensland Community Preparedness Survey (QCPS) to determine/measure levels of... -
QFD Community Insights Survey
Data included in QFD Community Insights Survey. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
QFD Incident Data
Annual extract of incidents attended by QFD personnel. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
Forward procurement pipeline
Consolidated Queensland Government's forward procurement pipeline data procurement. This data is managed by lead agencies under 6 categories of spend. The forward procurement... -
Academic achievement for student's studying English by Indigenous status and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of English by Indigenous status and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning... -
Academic achievement for student's studying English by country of birth and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of English by their year level and country of birth. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about... -
Workforce profiling - DETE
A full time equivalent (FTE) count of Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) employees. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please... -
Workforce and human resource management - DoE
The Department of Education contributes to the maintenance of effective human resource management including recruitment, payroll, industrial relations, workplace health and... -
Remuneration information - University of Southern Queensland
Details of remuneration information for University of Southern Queensland. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements of this body is available... -
Remuneration information for government bodies and sub-committees -...
Details of remuneration information for the Department of Education and Training government bodies. *This information in no longer required as part of Annual Report... -
Queensland non-state schools - funding information
Non-state schools are partly funded by the state government, the Commonwealth and through private income. This dataset provides information about the state government funded... -
National Data Links
A summary of links to national higher education data. -
Home education registrations
Number of Queensland home education registrations by year level and sector searchable for the past 4 years. For more information, please visit the home education page at...