Titles registry activity
A statistical summary of searches and transactions in the titles registry. (Prior to June 2021) For data from June 2021 go to https://www.titlesqld.com.au/titling-activity -
Gifts and benefits register - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Register of gifts given and received by the Department, the cost of the item, and how it was managed. -
Performance dashboard - Office of the Information Commissioner
Details of achieved performance levels four OIC's four core services -
Consultanices and contractors - Office of the Information Commissioner
The list of consultants and contractors engaged by OIC during the financial year -
Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Right to...
Right to Information Applications -
QCAT applications by postcode
Applications lodged with the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) by postcode. -
Queensland state schools—maintenance expenditure
State schools maintenance expenditure—planned, routine, emergency, special. *This information is no longer updated. Please contact the Open Data Team for further information. -
DETE SES Employees Profile
Head count of SES employees by portfolio, region and age group. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
DETE Senior S122 Contract Employees
Head count of senior S122 contract employees by portfolio, region, age group and gender. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to Workforce... -
Staff attendance rates - The Department of Education Human Resources
Ratio of attendance hours taken in a period against the work hours available for the same period. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
Queensland Building and Construction Commission Contracts Disclosure
QBCC is committed to ensuring compliance with the Queensland Procurement Policy clause 3.3 for publishing details for eligible reportable contracts over $10,000. -
Darling Downs -Moreton Rabbit Board (DDMRB) - Government bodies
Darling Downs -Moreton Rabbit Board (DDMRB) details by financial year of board members, fees and number of meetings listed by financial year. -
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Catalogue of Identified Datasets
Contains details of all released datasets, as well as datasets and groups of datasets that have been identified for potential future release but not yet assessed. These... -
Consultancy spending - Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service. This information forms part of the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service annual reports,... -
Consultancy spending—Mackay Hospital and Health Service
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Mackay Hospital & Health Service. -
Consultancy spending—Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and...
DILGP consultancy spending for 2014-15 and DLGCRR consultancy spending for 2012-13 financial years. -
Consultancies-Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC)
Consultancy costings for Queensland Productivity Commission Note: The Queensland Productivity Commission has integrated into Queensland Treasury to establish the Office of... -
Late Payments - PSBA
Late payments reporting under the Queensland Government Late Payments Policy Note: On 7 September 2020, the Queensland Government announced its intention to integrate the PSBA... -
Queensland Government Air Wing flights by Ministers and the Governor
Government Air Wing services—a quarterly report on official travel by Ministers and the Governor. -
Queensland Government Air Wing flights by activity
Government Air Wing services—a quarterly report on hours flown by activity.