Titles registry activity
A statistical summary of searches and transactions in the titles registry. (Prior to June 2021) For data from June 2021 go to https://www.titlesqld.com.au/titling-activity -
Top 10 Baby Names by Region
Top 10 Baby Names by Region (ABS SA4 - Sub State categorisation) Transaction data is omitted due to the small cell counts -
Top 100 Baby Names
Queensland Top 100 Baby Names -
Births by Hospital
Births that occurred by hospital name. Birth events of 5 or more per hospital location are displayed -
Births by month
Yearly registered births – breakdown by Month -
Marriages by Suburb
Yearly registered marriages categorised by suburb. Data is limited to cell counts >5. -
Marriages by Month
Yearly registered marriages – breakdown by Month -
Deaths by Suburb
Yearly registered deaths categorised by suburb. Data is limited to cell counts >5. -
Deaths by Month
Yearly registered deaths – breakdown by Month -
Historical trends in land valuations
These tables show the overall changes in statutory land values since the previous annual valuation. NV indicates that the local government area was not valued in that year. For... -
Gifts and benefits register - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Register of gifts given and received by the Department, the cost of the item, and how it was managed. -
Gaming Machine Data by Statistical Area 4
Monthly gaming machine data for all Statistical Area 4 areas in Queensland. -
Gaming Machine Data by Local Government Areas
Monthly gaming machine data for all Local Government Areas in Queensland - From July 2004 -
List of Gaming Sites in Queensland
List of Gaming Sites in Queensland -
Total Queensland Club Gaming Machine Data
Monthly gaming machine data for all QLD Clubs. -
Total Queensland Gaming Machine Data
Monthly gaming machine data for all QLD Clubs and Hotels. -
Total Hotel Gaming Machine Data
Monthly gaming machine data for all QLD Hotels. -
QH—Digital Projects Dashboard contribution
Data published by Queensland Health (QH) that supports the Digital Projects Dashboard. Data resources include the list of digital and information and communication technology... -
Translink monthly performance data
Monthly public transport performance data for Translink. Metrics include: customer experience (overall and by transport mode), complaint volumes, go card fixed fare volumes. In... -
Queensland Treasury Corporation - Contract Disclosure Report
Reports disclosing all awarded contracts over $10,000