DSROPG Gifts and Benefits 2024-25
The register shows gifts and benefits values at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees during the 2024-25 financial year. This may... -
On Time Payments DTS
Department of Tourism and Sport performance reporting on the Queensland Government On-Time Payment policy. -
DTS Contracts Disclosure Report for Qtr. 1 & 2 2024-2025
Department of Tourism and Sport Contracts Disclosure Report for Qtr. 1, Financial Year 2024-2025 -
DSROPG—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DTS Gifts and Benefits 2023-24
The register shows gifts and benefits values at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees during the 2023-24 financial year. This may... -
DSROPG—Digital Projects Dashboard contribution
Data published by the Department of Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games (DSROPG) that supports the Digital Projects Dashboard. Data resources include the list of... -
2023-2024 Department of Tourism and Sport Queensland Language Services Policy
Annual Queensland language services policy reporting by Department of Tourism and Sport. -
2023-2024 Department of Tourism and Sport Overseas Travel
Annual overseas travel expenditure by Department of Tourism and Sport. -
2023-2024 Department of Tourism and Sport Annual Report Data - Consultancies
Annual consultancy expenditure by Department of Tourism and Sport. -
Active Women and Girls Program
The Active Women and Girls Program provides funding to boost sport and active recreation opportunities for women and girls in Queensland. The program is dedicated to encouraging... -
First Nations Sport and Recreation Program
The First Nations Sport and Recreation Program provides funding for physical activity opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in non-discrete communities... -
Active Industry Project Fund
This fund provides competitive grant funding to Queensland state level sport and active recreation organisations and Industry Peak Bodies for participation offerings and... -
DTS Contracts Disclosure Report_Qtr 3& 4_Financial Year 2023-24
DTS Contracts Disclosure Report_Qtr 3 & 4_Financial Year 2023-24 -
Overseas travel - Tourism and Events Queensland
Overseas travel undertaken by officers of Tourism and Events Queensland. There was no international travel undertaken by Australian-based staff in 2020-21. -
Queensland language services policy – Tourism and Events Queensland
Annual Queensland language services policy reporting by Tourism and Events Queensland -
Consultancies - Tourism and Events Queensland
Consultancy expenditure by Tourism and Events Queensland. There was no consultancy expenditure by Tourism and Events Queensland in 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 or... -
Regional planning interests - Strategic environmental area
Identifies the Strategic Environmental Areas(SEA) throughout Queensland. These areas include Cape York Peninsula, the Gulf Country, the Chanel Country, Fraser Island,... -
Priority development areas - economic development Queensland
A Priority Development Area (PDA) is a site declared by the state government to facilitate the development of land in Queensland for economic development or community... -
Active Clubs
Active Clubs provides funding to local and regional sport and active recreation organisations delivering physical activity throughout Queensland to ensure appropriate physical... -
Advance Queensland Funding Recipients
Funding recipients of Advance Queensland programs administered by the Innovation division of the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation. Established in July 2015,...