Titles registry activity historical fortnightly lodgements 2020
Historical Fortnightly lodgement information by year, which contain the total lodgements broken down by document type and place lodged, including e-lodgement. -
State Library of Queensland - The Queenslander newspaper photographs 1914-1918
Rich images and metadata showing of all aspects of Queensland life on the home front and the war front 1914-1918, taken from the pictorial supplement of The Queenslander... -
Wills 1857 to 1940 (non digital)
These indexes were compiled from the Ecclesiastical (will) files kept by the three Supreme Court Districts of Queensland (Northern, Central and Southern) between 1857 and 1940.... -
Naturalisations 1851-1908
This index was created from various records detailing the names of those who took oaths of allegiance to be naturalised as created by the Supreme Court across Queensland as well... -
Dental Board 1900 to 1932
These indexes were compiled from the correspondence and registration records ITM17998; ITM17999; ITM18000 of the Home Secretary’s Office recording the activities of the dental... -
Indigence Cases 1899 to 1948
This index was compiled from correspondence and papers within the general correspondence of the Colonial Secretary's/Home Secretary's Office, and subsequent Departments of... -
State Library of Queensland - Real estate maps
A unique collection of original maps and plans created by real estate firms from 1850s to mid 1900s from the State Library of Queensland. The first version of this dataset... -
State Library of Queensland - Portraits of WW1 soldiers from the...
Soldiers of World War 1 who were members of the Commercial Travellers' Association of Queensland had their portraits published in the association’s journal the Australasian... -
State Library of Queensland - World War 1 soldier portraits
Nearly 30,000 Queensland soldiers had their portrait taken and published in The Queenslander newspaper before embarkation to World War 1. State Library of Queensland has... -
Mineral leases 1871 to 1940
This index was compiled from several series of records created by the Mines Department and the Mining Warden, Cloncurry for the period 1871 to 1940 and held at Queensland State... -
Toowoomba Girls Industrial School 1881-1903
This index was compiled from the admission and discharge registers of girls entering and leaving the school as created by the Industrial School for Girls, Toowoomba between 1881... -
Photographic records of prisoners 1875-1936
This dataset contains photographic records (portraits) and descriptions of male and female Queensland criminals created by Queensland Prisons Department. Also contained are... -
Farm Lads 1911-1940
Names of boys under the Farm Lads migration scheme. Names are taken from correspondence between the Immigration Agent and prospective employers, farm learners (farm lads) and... -
Teachers 1860 to 1905
This index was compiled from the registers of teachers, admitted to service in schools, as kept by the Boards of Education and subsequently the Public Instruction Department... -
Rents payable on pastoral runs 1860 to 1911
This index was compiled from the Registers of rent payable on the resumed parts of runs and the Lledgers of rent payment for pastoral runs as created by the Treasury Department... -
Historical flood map series—Queensland
Collection of flood and inundation maps over Queensland at various scales 1893-1974, these show flood levels and probable inundation areas at various flood heights. A number of... -
Immigration Agent Toowoomba 1880 to 1888
This index was created from the Register of immigrants by ship and destination, by the Immigration Agent Toowoomba, 1880 to 1888 held at Queensland State Archives. The register... -
South African (Boer) War 1899 to 1902
These indexes were compiled from the military service and pay records of Queenslanders who served in ranks in the South African War between 1899 and 1902. These records are held... -
Australian South Sea Islanders 1867 to 1948
This index was compiled from a wide variety of government records detailing the administration of the South Sea Islander immigration and employment program in Queensland between... -
Nominated immigrants 1905 to 1928
This index was compiled from the Card index to personal files for nominated immigrants as created and used by the Immigration Department between 1905 and 1928 and are held at...