This index was created from Series ID 16303, Registers of Rent Payable on the Resumed Parts of Runs, 1866-1911 and Series ID 16304, Ledgers of Rent Payment for Pastoral District Runs, 1860-1907 which were created by the Treasury Department. The records are held at Queensland State Archives
Series ID 16303 consists of registers showing rent payable on the resumed parts of runs in the pastoral districts of Burke, Burnett, Cook, Darling Downs, Gregory North, Gregory South, Leichhardt, Maranoa, Mitchell, North Kennedy, South Kennedy, Port Curtis, Warrego and Wide Bay (not all registers include all districts). Rents were sometimes altered/reduced for various reasons.
Series ID 16304 consists of ledgers kept by Treasury of the payment of rent on runs in the Pastoral Districts of Burke, Burnett, Cook, Darling Downs, Gregory North & South, Leichhardt, Maranoa, Mitchell, North and South Kennedy, Port Curtis, Warrego and Wide Bay.
Information given varies slightly between volumes and may include: name of district, name of run, area available/unavailable/applied for, date of lease, rent amount, date of payment, Lessees names, date of advice/proclamation, number of portion or how alienated, area open to selection, rent per square mile before and after reduction (amount of reduction, rent after reduction), to take effect from, register folio, credits, record references and previous/following page numbers, consolidations, resumptions, forfeitures, refunds, licences, surrenders, absorptions, grazing right forfeited, selections, refusals and re-assessments.