Extreme weather events (days with ‘very heavy rainfall’)

datastore Active

URL: https://www.stateoftheenvironment.des.qld.gov.au/2020/datasets/indicator-4-1-0-6.csv

The frequency of days with ‘very heavy’ rainfall at selected weather stations were calculated from Australian Bureau of Meteorology High-Quality rainfall datasets. All datasets were current as at February 2020. Subsequent updates to data may result in minor changes to some values. For each location the number of days per year with ‘very heavy’ rainfall are plotted for the extent of the High-Quality Dataset records. Years with more than 5 days of missing data are not included. Rolling 10-year averages are plotted only if there are 10 consecutive years of annual data.

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Data Dictionary

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Name text
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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 25 September 2023
Metadata last updated 25 September 2023
Created 3 September 2021
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Align default schemaFalse
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Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.