Rail safety-related fatalities and hospitalisations

Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.

This dataset contains historical information about rail safety-related fatalities and hospitalisations on Queensland's rail network (excluding suicides, assaults and natural causes).

Data was collected by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) until 30 June 2017 at which point, responsibility for managing this data was transferred to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR). If you are seeking more up to date information please email ONRSR at - contact@onrsr.com.au.

For all inquiries relating to the historical data collected by TMR, or for assistance with OCG-1 values, please email TMR's Rail Safety team at - railsafety@tmr.qld.gov.au.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Data last updated [blank]
Version 1.2
Security Classification PUBLIC
Used in data driven application NO
Update Frequency Not updated
Default data schema [blank]
Data schema validation options [blank]