Wetland protection area - GBR high ecological significance wetland

URL: http://qldspatial.information.qld.gov.au/catalogue/custom/search.page?q="Wetland protection area - GBR high ecological significance wetland"

Wetlands of high ecological significance (HES) in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) identify the wetland in a wetland protection area under the State Development Assessment Provisions State Code 9- Great Barrier Reef Wetland Protection Area. They are an integral part of wetland protection areas, which are shown on the Map of Great Barrier Reef Wetland Protection Areas under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 November 2020
Metadata last updated 17 November 2020
Created 17 November 2020
License Dataset is wholly created and owned by the Department of Environment and Science for the State of Queensland.
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