Road crash locations


Location and characteristics of crashes within Queensland for all reported Road Traffic Crashes 1 January 2001 to 30 June 2023, (property damage only crashes to 31 December 2010).

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Crash_Ref_Number numeric Crash Reference Number

Unique identifier for each crash incident. Deidentified, and may not be persistent between releases. First 4 digits currently identify the year of the crash

Crash_Severity text Crash Severity

Crash severity is categorised into five levels: Fatal, Hospitalisation, Medical Treatment, Minor Injury and Property damage only. It is based on the maximum severity of all units involved in the crash.

Crash_Year numeric Crash Year

Year in which the crash occurred.

Crash_Month text Crash Month

Month in which the crash occurred.

Crash_Day_Of_Week text Crash Day Of Week

Day of the week when the crash occurred.

Crash_Hour numeric Crash Hour

Hour (0 to 23) during which the crash occurred.

Crash_Nature text Crash Nature

Nature of the initial event (Head-on, hit pedestrian, and so on)

Crash_Type text Crash Type

For vehicle based crashes it defines if the crash was single or multi vehicle. Otherwise defines non vehicle objects that the primary vehicle struck (Pedestrian, animal, unsecured load and so on)

Crash_Longitude numeric Crash Longitude

Longitude coordinate where the crash occurred (GDA2020)

Crash_Latitude numeric Crash Latitude

Latitude coordinate where the crash occurred (GDA2020)

Crash_Street text
Crash_Street_Intersecting text
State_Road_Name text
Loc_Suburb text
Loc_Local_Government_Area text
Loc_Post_Code text
Loc_Police_Division text
Loc_Police_District text
Loc_Police_Region text
Loc_Queensland_Transport_Region text
Loc_Main_Roads_Region text
Loc_ABS_Statistical_Area_2 text
Loc_ABS_Statistical_Area_3 text
Loc_ABS_Statistical_Area_4 text
Loc_ABS_Remoteness text
Loc_State_Electorate text
Loc_Federal_Electorate text
Crash_Controlling_Authority text
Crash_Roadway_Feature text
Crash_Traffic_Control text
Crash_Speed_Limit text
Crash_Road_Surface_Condition text
Crash_Atmospheric_Condition text
Crash_Lighting_Condition text
Crash_Road_Horiz_Align text
Crash_Road_Vert_Align text
Crash_DCA_Code text
Crash_DCA_Description text
Crash_DCA_Group_Description text
DCA_Key_Approach_Dir text
Count_Casualty_Fatality numeric
Count_Casualty_Hospitalised numeric
Count_Casualty_MedicallyTreated numeric
Count_Casualty_MinorInjury numeric
Count_Casualty_Total numeric
Count_Unit_Car numeric
Count_Unit_Motorcycle_Moped numeric
Count_Unit_Truck numeric
Count_Unit_Bus numeric
Count_Unit_Bicycle numeric
Count_Unit_Pedestrian numeric
Count_Unit_Other numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 29 April 2024
Metadata last updated 30 May 2024
Created 4 October 2013
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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