Wave data - 2021 datavalid

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URL: https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/a34ae7af-1561-443c-ad58-c19766d8354c/resource/b7ef65f9-77bf-498c-9d31-b1e11cb19066/download/cairns_2021-01-01t00_00-2021-12-31t23_30_waveverifieddata.csv

2021 wave data from the Cairns wave monitoring site.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Date/Time (AEST) timestamp Date and Time (AEST)

Date and Time of wave data record (AEST)

Hs (m) numeric Significant Wave Height

The significant wave height (in metres), defined as the average of the highest one-third of the zero up-crossing wave heights in a wave record. . This wave height closely approximates the value a person would visualise if physically looking at the waves, over the same time period of the record.

Hmax (m) numeric Highest Single Wave

The maximum zero up-crossing wave height (in meters)

Tz (s) numeric Zero Up-Crossing Wave Period

The average of the zero up-crossing wave periods (in seconds) in a wave record.

Tp (s) numeric Wave Period

Wave period at the peak spectral energy (in seconds). This is an indication of the wave period of those waves that are producing the most energy in a wave record.

Peak Direction (degrees) numeric Peak Wave Direction

The direction associated with the peak energy period (Tp) waves, shown in degrees from true north.

SST (degrees C) numeric Sea Surface Temperature

The sea surface temperature at the wave monitoring buoy, in degrees Celsius.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 26 September 2024
Metadata last updated 26 September 2024
Created 24 May 2021
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Align default schemaFalse
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Schema{'fields': [{'title': 'Date/Time (AEST)', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Date and Time of data record. Presented in Australian Eastern Standard Time.', 'name': 'Date/Time (AEST)'}, {'title': 'Significant Wave Height', 'type': 'number', 'description': "Hs is the significant wave height or Hsig. It's the defined as the average of the highest one-third of wave heights in a wave record. This wave height closely approximates the value a person would see. Measured in Metres", 'name': 'Hs (m)'}, {'title': 'Highest Single Wave', 'type': 'number', 'description': 'The height of the the highest single wave in a wave record. Measured in Metres', 'name': 'Hmax (m)'}, {'title': 'Zero Up-Crossing Wave Period', 'type': 'number', 'description': 'The average of the zero up crossing wave periods in a wave record. Measured in Seconds', 'name': 'Tz (s)'}, {'title': 'Wave Period', 'type': 'number', 'description': 'The wave period of those waves that are producing the most energy in a wave record. Measured in Seconds', 'name': 'Tp (s)'}, {'title': 'Wave Direction', 'type': 'number', 'description': 'The direction that the peak waves are coming from, shown in degrees from true north. Measured in Degrees', 'name': 'Peak Direction (degrees)'}, {'title': 'Sea Surface Temperature', 'type': 'number', 'description': 'The sea surface temperature at the wave monitoring buoy. Measured in degrees Celsius.', 'name': 'SST (degrees C)'}]}
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