Fitzroy River (Drainage basin 130)


DSITIA staff sample Chlorophyll-a, observe Secchi depth and measure physiochemical depth profiles at 12 Fitzroy River tidal estuarine sites and sample nutrients at two sites.

Period of operation: From 1993 to 2013
Region: Central Coast Queensland
Australian drainage basin: 130
Water body: Tidal estuarine sections of the Fitzroy River from below the barrage to the sea at mid-stream monitoring sites
Water column profile depth: Monitoring starts at a depth of 0.2m near the water surface and the water column profile is monitored at regular 2m intervals plus the last available depth greater than 0.5m above the bottom
Secchi depth: AS 3550.7-1993
Algal biomass Chlorophyll-a : APHA & AWWA (1998) monochromatic method [Ref: Lorenzen, Carl J. (1967) Limnology and Oceanography, Vol12: pp343-346.]
in situ physiochemical profile: Currently the in situ physiochemical depth profiles are measured with YSI model 6-Series Sondes such as the YSI 6920 V2 handheld multi probe sonde connected to a data recorder. The YSI 6920 V2 has been in use since 2011. The YSI 610 – 650 was used from 1998 to 2012. The YSI 3800 was used from 1993 to 2001. Up to 1998 a range of Martek, Hydrolab and TPS instruments as well as some earlier YSI models were used. [Ref YSI Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes User Manuals]

  • Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L)
  • Dissolved Oxygen % saturation (%)
  • pH
  • Salinity (PSU)
  • Specific Conductance at 25 deg C (mS/cm)
  • Temperature (°C)
  • Turbidity (NTU)

Surface nutrient samples: APHA (1998) Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services photochemical methods using a flow injection analyser (FIA). A laboratory method change in 1997 improved the Kjeldahl digestion of samples resulting in a lower Organic Nitrogen detection limit. In 1999, a change in the laboratory instrument has led to slightly lower and more stable Nitrogen Oxides and Filterable Reactive Phosphorus results. A 1999 change replaced the higher temperature and stronger acid concentration Kjeldahl digestion with Persulphate Oxidation digestion which in some circumstances will extract less P from particulates with the effect of an apparent small reduction in Total Phosphorus results. These changes are mostly apparent at low levels and the differences lie within the precision range of the method.

  • Ammonia as N (mg/L)
  • Organic Nitrogen as N (mg/L)
  • Nitrogen Oxides as N (mg/L)
  • Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L)
  • Filterable Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/L)
  • Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L)

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Lat_GDA94 numeric
Long_GDA04 numeric
SURVEY_DATE timestamp
Time_HHMMSS numeric
Depth_m numeric
Data qualifier for Chlorophyll-a (ug/L) text
Chlorophyll-a (ug/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Secchi depth (metres) text
Secchi depth (metres) numeric
Data qualifier for Ammonia as N (mg/L) text
Ammonia as N (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Nitrogen Oxides as N (mg/L) text
Nitrogen Oxides as N (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) text
Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Organic Nitrogen as N (mg/L) text
Organic Nitrogen as N (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L) text
Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Dissolved Oxygen % saturation (%) text
Dissolved Oxygen % saturation (%) numeric
Data qualifier for pH (Unit) text
pH (Unit) numeric
Data qualifier for Filterable Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/L) text
Filterable Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L) text
Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L) numeric
Data qualifier for Salinity (PSU) text
Salinity (PSU) numeric
Data qualifier for Specific Conductance at 25 deg C (mS/cm) text
Specific Conductance at 25 deg C (mS/cm) numeric
Data qualifier for Temperature (deg C) text
Temperature (deg C) numeric
Data qualifier for Turbidity (NTU) text
Turbidity (NTU) numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 5 February 2015
Metadata last updated 20 June 2022
Created 22 December 2014
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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