Queensland mining and exploration tenure series
The datasets in this series are a digital representation of the extent of current mining and exploration tenures in Queensland. Refer to individual datasets for further details. -
Queensland mining and exploration administration series
The datasets in this series are a digital representation of the extent of mining and exploration administration boundaries in Qeensland. Refer to individual datasets for further... -
Cadastral data - Queensland series
The Digital Cadastre is the spatial representation of every current parcel of land in Queensland, and its legal Lot on Plan description and relevant attributes. It provides the... -
Aerial imagery Queensland series
This series contains details on the imagery files over Queensland which has been captured primarily as aerial photography. The details show the coverage of photography and... -
Property address Queensland - Text data package
A foundation spatial dataset of current property location addresses and their corresponding land parcel descriptor. This dataset does not contain any personal information. A... -
Property Address Queensland - by area of interest
A foundation spatial dataset of current property location addresses and their corresponding land parcel descriptor. This dataset does not contain any personal information. It is... -
Locality boundaries - Queensland
The locality boundaries dataset is the spatial representation of bounded localities (includes suburbs) of Queensland. These are the official locality names and boundaries used... -
Local government area boundaries - Queensland
The spatial representation of local government areas in Queensland. -
Probable maximum flood extent - referable dams - Queensland series
The datasets in this series describe the Probable Maximum Flood extents below the referable dams of Queensland for three different scenarios. -
Valuation Property Boundaries - Queensland
The layer is a property spatial representation of the valuation roll contained in the Queensland Valuation and Sales System (QVAS). A property polygon is formedby dissolving lot... -
Rural properties - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the extent of named rural properties (horticultural or agricultural properties) in the State of Queensland. -
State border - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the land extent of Queensland and comprises the state border (the cadastral boundary between states) of Queensland. -
Population centres - Queensland
This topographic dataset contains point features representing the centre of named towns and cities. -
Coastline - Queensland
This topographic polyline feature class displays the coastline of Queensland, including marine (offshore) islands. -
Place names gazetteer - Queensland
This is the list of approved place names as per the Qld Place Names Act 1994. The gazetteer is extracted from the place names database (PNDB) where each place name is... -
Heritage register boundaries - Queensland
The Queensland Heritage Register is a list of places of non-indigenous heritage significance in Queensland. This dataset represents the boundaries of places entered in the... -
Soils series
These datasets are soil survey mapping available in Queensland. These surveys were conducted for different purposes and are mapped at different scales. Refer to individual... -
Bushfire hazard area - Bushfire prone area - inputs - Queensland
This data package includes selected inputs and information used by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in conjunction with the Queensland... -
Bushfire hazard area - Bushfire prone area - reliability assessment - South...
This data pack contains reliability assessment tools and guidance to assist local governments to assess the suitability of State-wide Bushfire Hazard (Bushfire Prone Area)... -
Special wildlife reserves - Queensland
Special Wildlife Reserves are part(s) or whole of Lot(s) on plan and are established through a voluntary conservation agreement between the Minister for the State of Queensland...