Remuneration Information for Government Body - DATSIP
Detailed remuneration information relating to the department’s government bodies. -
QCAT applications by postcode
Applications lodged with the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) by postcode. -
Overseas travel—Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)
Overseas travel—Queensland Competition Authority (QCA). Note: An overseas travel expenditure report for the 2023-24, 2022-23 and 2021-22 reporting years was not required due to... -
Consultancies—Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)
Consultancy spending undertaken by the QCA. -
Queensland Language Service Policy (QLSP)
Information relating to the proportion of the department's clients that required language support, and interpreter engagement and expenditure for 2014-15. -
Gifts and benefits register - Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait...
The register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, from 1 July 2016. DATSIP MoGed into... -
Consultancy spending—Crime and Misconduct Commission
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Crime and Misconduct Commission. -
DSDIP 2014 Annual Report Data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel and the Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14 -
DSD Human Resources Data
Details of the Department of State Development's human resources and employment data. -
DSD 2015 Annual Report Data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel, Queensland Language Services Policy, government body remuneration and government... -
DLGCRR 2013-14 Annual Report
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel and the Queensland Cultural Diversity Policy. -
2017–18 State Budget—Budget Paper 5—Service Delivery Statements—Financial Statement
The Service Delivery Statements (SDS) published with the 2017–18 Queensland State Budget provide information on the objectives, service areas, key strategies and performance of... -
2017–18 State Budget—Budget Paper 4—Budget Measures
Presents a consolidation of expenses, capital and revenue measures reflecting decisions since the 2016–17 Budget. -
2017–18 State Budget—Budget Paper 3—Capital Statement
Budget Paper 3 Capital Statement provides an overview of the Queensland Government's approach to capital planning and delivery and the capital program for 2017–18. -
2017–18 State Budget—Budget Paper 2—Budget Strategy and Outlook
2017–18 Queensland Budget Budget Paper 2 Budget Strategy and Outlook includes the Government's fiscal and economic strategy, key Budget priorities, overviews of revenue and... -
2015–16 State Budget—Budget Paper 4—Budget measures
Summary of expense, capital and revenue measures published in the 2015–16 State Budget Paper 4, including new policy decisions with budgetary impacts. -
Queensland Building and Construction Commission Annual Report Data - 2018-19...
Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report. Read the complete annual report at http://www.qbcc.qld.gov.au/about-us/our-performance -
Queensland Building and Construction Commission Annual Report Data - 2018 -...
Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report. Read the complete annual report at http://www.qbcc.qld.gov.au/about-us/our-performance -
Remuneration - Government bodies—Crime and Corruption Commission
Details of remuneration for commissioners and committee members. Includes role, function and responsibilities. -
Language services policy—Legal Aid Queensland annual report 2014-15
Information about the number of Legal Aid clients needing language support, and language interpreter expenses.