Apprenticeship and traineeship completions
Spreadsheets containing apprentice and trainee completions in Qld in the specified calendar year - showing the industry training group (ITG), qualification level, DTET region,... -
Ministerial hospitality costs
Costs for hospitality and catering at minor meetings. -
Ministerial overseas travel
Total of year-to-date Ministerial overseas travel report. -
Customer complaints - Department of Education
Details of the department of Education customer complaints under s219A of the Public Service Act 2009 (Qld). For more information please refer to the Department's Customer... -
QFD Community Insights Survey
Data included in QFD Community Insights Survey. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
Workforce and human resource management - DoE
The Department of Education contributes to the maintenance of effective human resource management including recruitment, payroll, industrial relations, workplace health and... -
Queensland non-state schools - funding information
Non-state schools are partly funded by the state government, the Commonwealth and through private income. This dataset provides information about the state government funded... -
Custodial incidents report - 2013 to 2019
The ‘Custodial Incidents’ report provides monthly counts of certain incident types in Queensland Custodial Centres. -
Community Service Work Performed (Court Ordered) - 2014 to 2019
Month-end demographic snapshot of offenders hours completed performing Community Service Work Orders in Queensland for the years 2014 to 2019. -
Community offender trend - statewide - 2014 to 2019
Month ending or Financial year demographic report of offenders serving community based orders in Queensland for the years 2014 to 2019. -
Custodial offender snapshot - statewide 2013 to 2019
Month-end demographic snapshot of offenders serving prison sentences in Queensland for the years 2013 to 2019. -
Unitywater - Digital Water Meter data
This data set contains extracts from a large number of Digital Water Meters located at residential homes and a few commercial properties , across the Sunshine Coast region. -
Reportable Gifts and Benefits Register - State Development
Registers showing gifts and benefits received from and presented to individuals. -
DSDIP 2014 Annual Report Data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel and the Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14