Coastal Data System - Waves (Tweed Heads)
Measured and derived wave parameters from data collected by a wave monitoring buoy anchored at Tweed Heads. This site is jointly operated by the Department of Environment and... -
Forward procurement pipeline
Consolidated Queensland Government's forward procurement pipeline data procurement. This data is managed by lead agencies under 6 categories of spend. The forward procurement... -
Apprenticeship and traineeship completions
Spreadsheets containing apprentice and trainee completions in Qld in the specified calendar year - showing the industry training group (ITG), qualification level, DTET region,... -
Bioavailable nutrients from sediment data (BAN data)
Soil erosion is a major sediment and nutrient source to aquatic ecosystems of Australia posing a major threat to our drinking water supply, agricultural production, fisheries,... -
Queensland Government Investment Portal - Expenditure Data (consolidated view)
What is expenditure data? The Queensland Government works closely with all Queenslanders to build safe, caring and connected communities, create jobs, protect our environment... -
Ministerial gifts register
Register of reportable gifts by Minister. -
Ministerial hospitality costs
Costs for hospitality and catering at minor meetings. -
Ministerial overseas travel
Total of year-to-date Ministerial overseas travel report. -
Queensland Corrective Services Annual Report Data
Annual Report of the Queensland Corrective Services providing information about our financial and corporate performance information. -
QFD Incident Data
Annual extract of incidents attended by QFD personnel. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
Hydrology Archive Data
The Queensland Government Water Monitoring Hydrology Archive Data. This data resource includes archived time series surface water, groundwater, rainfall and water quality data,... -
Consultancy spending - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA)
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. For more information visit the QCAA website at https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/news-... -
Customer complaints - Department of Education
Details of the department of Education customer complaints under s219A of the Public Service Act 2009 (Qld). For more information please refer to the Department's Customer... -
Consultancy spending - Queensland Corrective Services
Consultancies spending - Queensland Corrective Services. -
Overseas travel - Queensland Corrective Services
Overseas travel undertaken by officers of the Queensland Corrective Services including name, position, institution/division, date, destination, reason for travel, agency costs... -
QFD Community Insights Survey
Data included in QFD Community Insights Survey. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
Workforce profiling - DETE
A full time equivalent (FTE) count of Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) employees. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please... -
Workforce and human resource management - DoE
The Department of Education contributes to the maintenance of effective human resource management including recruitment, payroll, industrial relations, workplace health and... -
Remuneration information - University of Southern Queensland
Details of remuneration information for University of Southern Queensland. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements of this body is available... -
Remuneration information for government bodies and sub-committees -...
Details of remuneration information for the Department of Education and Training government bodies. *This information in no longer required as part of Annual Report...