Workforce profiling - DETE
A full time equivalent (FTE) count of Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) employees. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please... -
Remuneration information - University of Southern Queensland
Details of remuneration information for University of Southern Queensland. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements of this body is available... -
Remuneration information for government bodies and sub-committees -...
Details of remuneration information for the Department of Education and Training government bodies. *This information in no longer required as part of Annual Report... -
Equal employment opportunity employee rates - DETE
Ratio of employees who identify as one of the equal employment opportunity (EEO) groups. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to Workforce... -
Employee retention rates - DETE
Ratio of employees who have been retained by the department against the establishment count. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
DETE SES Employees Profile
Head count of SES employees by portfolio, region and age group. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
DETE Senior S122 Contract Employees
Head count of senior S122 contract employees by portfolio, region, age group and gender. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to Workforce... -
Staff attendance rates - The Department of Education Human Resources
Ratio of attendance hours taken in a period against the work hours available for the same period. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
2012–2013 Annual Report supplementary information—Department of Transport...
Supplementary information from the Department of Transport and Main Roads' 2012–2013 Annual Report. -
Department of Transport and Main Roads Annual Report 2013–14 data
Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report: consultancies, overseas travel, Queensland Cultural Diversity Policy -
Reportable Gifts and Benefits Register - State Development
Registers showing gifts and benefits received from and presented to individuals. -
DSDIP 2014 Annual Report Data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel and the Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14 -
2013 Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning annual report data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report: consultancies, overseas travel and the Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2011-14. -
Gold Coast strategic transport demand model - screenline validation data
Record of 24 hours of typical weekday traffic counts (in 3 vehicle classes) at GCTMMM screenline locations (67 sites). -
Service performance indicators 2012–2013—Legal Aid Queensland
Service performance indicators, legal advice, legal advice efficiency, duty lawyer efficiency, duty lawyer, grants accounts processed, grants decisions overturned, call centre,... -
Service-delivery-outputs-2013-14—Legal Aid Queensland
Analysis of Legal Aid Queensland's service delivery outputs for 2013-14 -
Service performance indicators 2013-14—Legal Aid Queensland
Legal Aid Queensland's service performance indicators for the 2013-14 financial year. -
Legal Aid Queensland services—other languages
Legal Aid Queensland services by English and non-English speaking backgrounds. -
Legal Aid Queensland services by gender
Legal Aid Queensland services by gender for the 2013-14 financial year. -
Legal Aid Queensland—services to Indigenous and non-indigenous people 2013-14
Approved applications for legal aid for clients presenting as indigenous and non-indigenous people in 2013-14 financial year.