Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women – Gifts and Benefits Register
The register shows gifts and benefits values at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, on and from 01 January 2018. Register may... -
Gift and benefits register- Department of Communities, Disability Services...
DCDSS Gifts and Benefits register 01.01.2018 onwards Due to Machinery of Government changes in Nov 2020, Data is now being captured under Department of Communities, Housing and... -
Consultancy spending - Queensland Building Services Authority
Expenditure on consultants by Queensland Building Services Authority in the 2012-13 financial year. -
2014–15 State Budget—Concessions Statement by agency
Summary information of the value of each concession provided by agencies in 2013–14 (estimated actual) and 2014–15 (estimate) as detailed in the 2014–15 Queensland State Budget. -
2013–14 State Budget—Concessions Statement by agency
Summary information of the value of each concession provided by agencies in 2012–13 (estimated actual) and 2013–14 (estimate) as detailed in the 2013–14 Queensland State Budget. -
2013–14 State Budget—Budget Paper 4—Budget measures
Summary of expense, capital and revenue measures published in the 2013–14 State Budget Paper 4.