DLGWV fees for external publishing
List of publicly available fees for the department. -
James Cook University Contract Disclosure Report
James Cook University Contract Disclosure reporting for all awarded contracts over $10,000 -
Department of Transport and Main Roads Contract Disclosure
Queensland Procurement Policy requires budget sector agencies, large statutory bodies and special purpose vehicles (agencies) to publish certain information about contracts... -
Gifts and benefits register - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Register of gifts given and received by the Department, the cost of the item, and how it was managed. -
Griffith University Contract Disclosure Report
Griffith University contract disclosure reporting for all awarded contracts over $10,000 -
Contract Disclosures Public Trust Office
Public Trust Office Disclosure reporting for $10000+ and reportable Contracts -
Gifts and benefits register - Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training and its employees. Updated quarterly. -
Queensland Treasury Corporation - Contract Disclosure Report
Reports disclosing all awarded contracts over $10,000 -
Forward procurement pipeline
Consolidated Queensland Government's forward procurement pipeline data procurement. This data is managed by lead agencies under 6 categories of spend. The forward procurement... -
Proposed Major Works to Competitive Tender—Department of Transport and Main Roads
This data set comprises construction contracts valued at $1m and above intended to be procured over the forward 12 month period. Timing and contract values listed are indicative... -
The University of Queensland Contract Disclosure
University of Queensland contract disclosure reporting for all awarded contracts over $10,000 -
Department of the Premier and Cabinet - Contract disclosure report
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet's published data of new contracts and contract variations over $10000 -
DLGRMA Gifts given October-December 2018
Reportable Gifts and benefits register - Gifts given for the period 1 October to 31 December 2018 -
Overseas travel—Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Total overseas expenditure for the financial year for The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. This is additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual... -
Late payments—Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Report on late payments made by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. This file excludes DYJ information from Q1 2019-20 as they report under their own department.... -
Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women – Gifts and Benefits Register
The register shows gifts and benefits values at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, on and from 01 January 2018. Register may... -
Consultancies—Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Total consultancy expenditure for the financial year by The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. This is additional information than reported in the annual report. Read... -
Remuneration Information for government body — Queensland Great Artesian...
Details of remuneration information for the Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council for 2014/15. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and... -
Remuneration Information for government body — Valuers Registration Board of...
Details of remuneration information for the Valuers Registration Board of Queensland for 2014/15. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements is... -
Remuneration Information for government body — Surveyors Board of Queensland
Details of remuneration information for the Surveyors Board of Queensland for 2014/15. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements is available...