Business Discount Directory
Businesses registered in the Carer and/or the Seniors Business Discount Card scheme which provide discounts or offers to holders of a Seniors Card, a Seniors Card +go, a Seniors... -
Service Locations –Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
This dataset was previously managed by the former Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Since the Machinery of Government changes in December 2017,... -
Register of need-adults with disability
Clients with a disability in Queensland from 2010 who have presented seeking funded specialist disability support services by service type. -
Regional boundaries—Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
This dataset was previously managed by the former Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Since the Machinery of Government changes in December 2017,... -
Queensland Language Service Policy (QLSP) for DCSYW
Details of the Queensland Language Services Policy (QLSP) for the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. This is additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in... -
Queensland Language Service Policy (QLSP) for DCDSS
Details of the Queensland Language Services Policy (QLSP) for the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. This is additional information reported in lieu of... -
Government concessions and rebates for seniors
Additional information about the concession, rate, subsidy or discount including eligibility criteria. -
Disability Services National Minimum Data Set – Quarterly (Retired)
This dataset is now retired, please refer to the Disability Services National Minimum Data Set – Annual dataset. The purpose of the Disability Services National Minimum Data Set... -
Disability Services National Minimum Data Set – Annual
The purpose of the Disability Services National Minimum Data Set (DS NMDS) collection is to facilitate the annual collation of nationally comparable data about National... -
Disability Services Local Area Coordinators (retired)
This dataset is now part of the 'Contacts List -DCCSDS'. Local area coordinators work at the individual, the family and the community level to facilitate positive changes that... -
Disability clients subject to a child protection order
Children subject to protective orders in receipt of specialist disability services. -
Consultancies—Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
This dataset was previously managed by the former Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Since the Machinery of Government changes in December 2017,... -
Child safety services - children living away from home
The department sometimes needs to remove a child from their home to ensure their safety. A child may be removed from their home during the investigation and assessment phase, or... -
Community Sector Referral Services
Community sector information includes secondary support services including child safety support services, family support alliance, referral active intervention, intensive family... -
Child placement and support costs
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services approved child related placement and support costs. -
Child death case reviews
Deaths of children or young people about whom the department received information under the Child Protection Act 1999 in the three years prior to their deaths. -
Central Screening Unit
This dataset was previously managed by the former Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Since the Machinery of Government changes in December 2017,... -
Cardholders Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Cardholders. -
Queensland Language Services Policy - WorkCover Queensland
Details of WorkCover Queensland's performance against the measures identified in the Queensland Language Services Policy (QLSP). -
Gift and benefits register- Department of Communities, Child Safety and...
The register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the department and its employees, on and from 1 July 2012.